
How to Find a Website Visitor’s User Intent (and Why It Matters)

We live in a world that prioritizes personalization. Customers no longer want generic experiences. They want companies to tap into the troves of data now available and provide customized experiences and offers. Has your website joined the movement toward personalization? Personalization begins with knowing what your customers want and what motivates them to visit your […]

8 Tips to Building a Winning B2B SEO Strategy

8 Tips to Building a Winning B2B SEO Strategy

Your B2B search engine optimization (SEO) strategies are like planting a garden. Gardeners don’t prepare the soil and plant the seeds expecting overnight results. They understand the work they put in today will increase the results in several weeks or months. Gardeners also realize that gardens require consistent work – otherwise, weeds will grow up […]

9 Best AI Tools for SEO to Get Your Content Straight to Your Customers

9 Best AI Tools for SEO to Get Your Content Straight to Your Customers

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves several moving parts that work together to ensure your online content ranks near the top of online searches. With all the work that goes into producing quality content, marketers can feel overwhelmed with optimizing regular content for search engines. Artificial intelligence (AI) relieves the workload and helps content marketers produce […]

Subfolder vs. Subdomain for SEO: Which is Better?

Subfolder vs. Subdomain for SEO: Which is Better?

After deciding what type of content to host on your website, you’re going to quickly be asking another question: “Should I host my content on subfolders or on subdomains?” Subfolders are the classic option. The internet was built on subdirectories and folders, and their basic structure means they’re easy to understand since they directly resemble […]

How to Use B2B SEO for Your Company’s 3 Essential Pages


Everyone knows B2B SEO matters for bringing leads to your website. However, do you know how to make it work best for the individual pages on your site? If you treat each page the same way, your SEO efforts are going to fall flat. Here’s How B2B SEO Work for Your 3 Most Important Pages […]

How to Use SEO with Conversion Rate Optimization

A high-quality B2B website has only one real job: to create conversions. For some companies, that includes processing orders made from the site. For other companies, it might mean nurturing the lead to the point that they’re ready to talk to a salesperson. Whatever the case, it’s only possible to accomplish this one real job […]

3 B2B SEO Tactics Your Company Needs in 2019

hushly b2b seo

We’re already well into 2019, but it’s not too late to make some important changes to your B2B company’s online strategy that will ensure this turns into a banner year. Though B2B SEO hasn’t changed too dramatically – yet, anyway – there are some growing trends that are on their way to becoming standards in […]

SEM vs. SEO – What B2B Marketers Really Need to Know


These days, everyone knows their B2B company needs a website. Most would also love it if traffic came to their website through search engines, too. Otherwise, their sites amount to little more than an expensive business card. It’s only ever seen after someone from the company tells prospects where to look. That’s hardly ideal. It […]