Everyone knows B2B SEO matters for bringing leads to your website.
However, do you know how to make it work best for the individual pages on your site?
If you treat each page the same way, your SEO efforts are going to fall flat.
Instead of applying the same principles to each page, here’s how B2B SEO works best for each of your three most important pages.
B2B SEO for your homepage is actually relatively simple. That’s because, for the most part, it’s your other pages that will decide how well it does in searches. The better you optimize each page – which points back to your homepage – the better that all-important homepage will do with Google.
Still, there are two simple steps you can take to help it attract more visitors.
First, add your most important keyword to your homepage title. Make it something like “Anderson Co. – Corporate Consulting” or “ACME – Human Resources Software.” That will give Google more to work with when deciding about your page.
Second, do your best to ensure that not a single page on your site is more than three clicks from the homepage. Shorter URLs aren’t necessarily signals that Google relies on, but the search engine does appreciate sites that will be easier to navigate. If there are only two pages standing between a homepage-visitor and the information they want, you’ll enjoy better results.
Similarly, B2B SEO for your company’s services and/or products pages mostly comes down to creating relevant blog posts that will rank well, so you can link to the pages that show off what your company actually sells.
Nonetheless, don’t waste any opportunity to put relevant keywords on your website. In fact, while you should have one main page for each of your products/services that are linked to your homepage, create multiples for even more opportunities to put those keywords on your site. Just be sure you don’t use any duplicate content and try to focus on different keywords for each page. Then, interlink those pages for even greater navigability.
Every B2B company should publish blogs. Among other things, they’re your best bet for sending Google’s attention to your homepage and service/product pages, as we’ve already mentioned.
However, this will only work if you know how to use B2B SEO to attract that attention first.
You’re probably already familiar with SEO keywords. So, let’s look at how to use keywords in your blogs.
The first rule is to focus on just one keyword per blog, two at the most. After that, you’re chasing too many of them and your content runs the risk of becoming thin. Your blog posts will then always lose out to any blog focusing on just oneof the three or more keywords you’re chasing.
Once you have your one or two keywords, make sure they’re included in each of the following:
Think about the intent of your post, as well, because intent and keywords go hand-in-hand. Don’t try to shoehorn a high-volume keyword into a post that isn’t a good fit, or you won’t see any traffic. Take the time to understand why people are searching for the keyword, and you’ll know what to write to bring them to your page.
Finally, use your blogs to link out to other sites. Google loves this because it makes its job a lot easier and turns your blog into a better resource for visitors. Just be sure you link to high-quality sites.
Obviously, your B2B website probably includes a lot more pages than the three types we just covered. You probably have an About Us, for example. Hopefully, you’ve included some case studies, too.
Whatever the case, the rest of these pages serve similar purposes. Where appropriate, include keywords. When Google scans your entire site─ the more relevant keywords it finds, the easier a time it will have identifying what it is your company does.
As we already covered, interlinking is important, but be sure that your other pages bring visitors to one of the pages above. A case study linking to another case study is fine. Just make sure it also links to the relevant product page.
With the right B2B SEO plan in place for all of your site’s different pages, you’ll soon enjoy the reward: a lot more traffic.
However, will you be able to capitalize on it?
Make sure you turn those visitors into leads by leveraging the power of Hushly. Contact us today and we’ll show you how our platform increases conversions by 51% – guaranteed.