
Marketing is always a challenging field because technology comes-and-goes in the blink of an eye. New best practices are constantly introduced.

And, your competition is always evolving, trying to take what you’ve worked so hard to earn.

Unfortunately, there are also a number of unique B2B marketing challenges that make this all the more difficult.

3 B2B Marketing Challenges You Can Overcome with Content

The good news is that, as overwhelming as these B2B marketing challenges often are, the solution is quite simple.

Here’s how content can solve the three most common problems that thwart B2B marketers.

1. Standing Out from the Crowd

While this is difficult for every marketer, it belongs on our list of B2B marketing challenges because it’s especially tough in the business-to-business world.

Most B2B marketers have much fewer targets than their B2C counterparts, which means the competition is a lot stiffer.

Furthermore, most B2B companies within the same industry offer very similar products and services. Convincing a lead that yours are better is only possible if you first stand out enough to grab their attention.

This is one of the best reasons to use content marketing. It gives you an unrivaled opportunity to make your company stand out from the rest.

Cover the topics that your market actually cares about, and you’ll start to differentiate your brand from others. Then, do the same with your format. You have so many to choose from. Your leads probably like blog posts, but maybe they’d appreciate case studies or how-to videos, as well.

Don’t underestimate the importance of tone, either. Most B2B marketers don’t put a lot of stock in it, but if your content is not just informative but enjoyable to read or watch, your company’s brand awareness will benefit.

2. Channel Saturation

This increased competition for fewer leads also means that channel saturation is something just about every B2B marketer has to contend with.

For example, it’s not uncommon for many to find that a single competitor owns more than one spot on Google’s first SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Combined with the one we just covered, these B2B marketing challenges can make it seem all but impossible for new companies to break through and engage leads.

Again, high-quality content that makes you standout is essential. When you are able to breakthrough, you can’t afford to get lost in the crowd.

At the same time, there are two other ways content can help you around this obstacle.

The first is to simply use paid ads to jump past your competitors on Google and social media platforms. As long as that ad takes them to amazing landing-page content, channel saturation won’t be a problem.

The second option is through guest-posting. Find which noncompetitor sites your market is already visiting on a regular basis and see if they’ll let you publish blog posts there. Retargeting ads on these sites can be very helpful, too.

3. Speaking to All the Buyers

Many non-B2B-marketers assume that there’s just one buyer at every company who makes the decision about whether or not your efforts were successful.

That would be great, but it’s simply not the case.

Instead, B2B marketers have to convince an average of 6.8 people involved in the decision-making process. Of course, as that’s an average, plenty of marketers have to deal with significantly more people in order to succeed.

Fortunately, content can be used to address what is often the most difficult B2B marketing challenges.

To do so, you’ll need to think of all the buyer personas who could be involved with the decision-making process. While it may take some time if you’re getting used to a new market, you’ll soon have a good idea for how many people are responsible for purchases in your industry.

Then, create conversion funnels for each persona with content to match.

So, for example, if you sell HR software, you’d have at least one funnel for those who actually work in HR and are interested in your product. However, you may also want a funnel for the CFO who has to decide whether or not it’s worth the cost to purchase your software.

Don’t Let Common B2B Marketing Challenges Become a Problem

Just because they’re commonplace doesn’t mean these B2B marketing challenges have to be a common problem for you.

As you’ve just seen, content provides you with the opportunity to leave them in the dust (where they can continue frustrating your competitors).

At Hushly, we can also help you with another challenge every B2B marketer comes up against: conversions. Our platform can increase landing page conversions by more than 51%, improve your content’s engagement by 305%, and even cut costs by as much as a third.

Would you like to see how? Just contact us today for a demo!

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