
In the B2B world, just about every company uses landing pages. It’s almost unheard of to not have at least one or two as part of any modern B2B marketing campaign.

Despite how long they’ve been around and how many other options have come into existence, landing pages still enjoy a reputation for being one of the most cost-effective tools for B2B companies to attract leads and set them up for conversions.

So, if this hasn’t been your experience, if you’re not 100% happy with what you’ve seen thus far, it’s time to learn about the most important landing page best practices.

3 Landing Page Best Practices for More Conversions

While there are a number of different ways you can judge the effectiveness of your landing pages, nothing is as important as conversions. After all, most of you are probably paying for your traffic, so every failed conversion means a higher cost-per-acquisition.

That’s why these 3 landing page best practices are absolutely essential.

1. Check to See What Google Ads Says About Your Landing Page

Chances are that at least some of your paid traffic is coming from Google Ads. If not, add that to your list of landing page best practices to implement right away. Google Ads will give you incredible exposure without having to spend all that time on creating original content for organic traffic.

Another great reason to use Google Ads is because of the feedback they’ll provide. Among other things, this includes what they think of the landing-page experience you offer.

“Google Ads analyzes it through a combination of automated systems and human evaluation” and the result affects the kind of Ad Rank you can hope to achieve.

Obviously, you want to use Google’s feedback to better improve your Ad Rank, but it’s also information you can use to modify landing pages across every other channel you use.

Best of all, because it’s Google, you can be certain that your landing pages are being considered against those of many of your competitors. This makes their input all the more valuable.

2. Shift to Retargeting to Qualified Leads

Without a doubt, one of the best landing page best practices to boost conversions – without making any changes to them – is simply by investing in retargeting.

The reason is fairly simple.

If you rely solely on Google Ads and other paid-traffic sources, it’s extremely likely that many of your prospects aren’t qualified. They may literally be conducting their first ever search to solve the current problem their company is facing. These kinds of prospects may then click on your ad even though they’re nowhere near converting.

With retargeting, your ads are only shown to prospects who have demonstrated a genuine interest in what you have to offer. For example, you could use retargeting to advertise only to prospects who read a certain blog post.

Now, not only do you know they’re interested in your service, but you may also know other important specifics about what their company needs. As a result, you can create hyper-targeted ads that speak to those requirements.

Again, many B2B marketers find that retargeting is all it takes to improve one of their current landing pages’ conversion rates substantially.

3. Show Your Lead What the Future Looks Like

Before another company buys from yours, its decision-makers need to be convinced that your product and/or service will improve their business.

That might seem like a no-brainer, but if your landing pages aren’t earning opt-ins, it might be because they don’t do a good enough job of showing prospects what the future has in store if they work with your company.

Fortunately, you don’t need a magical crystal ball to pull this off. Instead, you could simply include a powerful testimonial at the top of each of your landing pages. This will show prospects of how other companies have benefited from your help.

In your copy, you could include a brief case study, too. This could go into further detail about how your business improved another.

Landing pages that are short-and-sweet have always been in fashion, but the fact is that long copy tends to do better, so don’t be afraid to lengthen yours a bit if it means showing your prospects the future.

Add Our Platform to These Landing Page Best Practices for Even More Conversions

Simply by following the three landing page best practices outlined above, your business should enjoy far greater conversions from these popular marketing assets.

But there’s no reason to stop there.

At Hushly, we’ve created a platform that will increase your ABM and lead-gen conversions by at least 51%. We even guarantee it. Contact us today, and we’ll show you exactly how it works.

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