23 B2B Social Media Statistics from 2019 Every Marketer Needs to See
A few years ago, most marketers working in B2B would have laughed if you mentioned the importance of building a B2B social media strategy. Marketers always seemed to think of social media as the B2C domain. Why bother with B2B social media marketing? For one thing, your buyers are consumers when they leave their office. […]
B2B vs. B2C Social Media Marketing
In the last few years, social media marketing has gone from a method that almost no one in B2B was using to a strategy that’s been proven across almost every industry. As just about everyone in the world uses at least one social media platform, B2B companies have an opportunity to engage their leads directly. […]
3 B2B Social Media Marketing Strategies You Need to Implement
By now, just about every B2B marketer has come around to the fact that social media can be an incredibly powerful channel for attracting, engaging with, and converting leads. Not so long ago, that wasn’t the case. For years, social media was seen as a purely B2C opportunity. Of course, a big reason for this […]