
In the Digital Age, it’s never been more apparent which companies are using B2B marketing strategies that earn results and which are struggling with plans that don’t work.

The former is constantly able to chase new initiatives, often breaking ground on channels the rest of their industry hasn’t leveraged quite yet (e.g. social media). At best, the latter is forced into playing catch-up.

Even if you’ve seen some positive feedback from your current strategy – say, an uptick in traffic – that’s no reason to assume your plan couldn’t use a review. Instead, look for opportunities to improve.

3 Ways to Improve B2B Marketing Strategies

While B2B content audits are one of the most important ways to improve your organic traffic and convert the leads who come to your site, it’s not the only opportunity you have to improve your company’s online presence.

1. Add Some Element of Account-Based Marketing

More and more, B2B marketing strategies that don’t take an account-based approach are going to lose to those that do.

After all, as the name indicates, account-based marketing (ABM) zeroes in on the specific needs of each prospect. Blog posts, social media posts, webinars – these are all great forms of content, but they can’t compete with the kind of tailored-approach that account-based marketing represents.

Now, maybe you’ve already considered ABM but concluded it just wasn’t a good fit. Maybe your company requires far too many leads every month to make ABM a realistic option.

Then, consider only applying ABM to your most valuable leads.

You could use lead-scoring to immediately make this evaluation the moment you’re able to get any feedback from a prospect. Chatbots will give you this opportunity, but you could also email any new leads a quick questionnaire to find out what kind of returns they might represent.

Then, anytime it becomes clear that you’re speaking with one of these high-value prospects, you dispatch your team of trained ABM specialists to reach out and start nurturing them, bypassing the rest of your normal funnel and accelerating their path to converting.

2. Get into “the Media Business”

In a now-famous interview Gary Vaynerchuk gave back in 2013, he told the story about how Guinness Beer invented The Guinness Book of World Records because research showed that when their demographic went to pubs, they largely talked about two things: soccer and trivia.

By starting their own media company dedicated to the latter, they enjoyed a direct connection with their market, which included the opportunity to advertise their product.

Interestingly, Vaynerchuk told this story to a lawyer who asked about the kind of content she could publish to grab the attention of her prospects. He recommended she take Guinness’ approach by first thinking about what her market is already interested in.

Now, does that mean you need to start your own media company to generate more leads?


However, it does mean that you should be generating traffic from every possible source – including those that may not be dedicated to your industry.

Even though this advice is almost seven years old, very few B2B marketing strategies utilize it. Sure, plenty of B2B companies invest in paid traffic, but they tend not to stray too far from social media, Google Ads, and industry sites. Those are good opportunities, but competition is high.

Where else does media provide you with opportunities to connect with your audience uncontested? That’s where you should go looking for leads.

3. Add Another “Content-Type” to Your Social Media

Speaking of social media, there’s probably a lot of room on your current platforms to diversify the kind of content you post.

There are all kinds of social media content-types you could post to mix things up and stand out from the crowd. For example, if none of your competitors are posting videos, that would be an excellent opportunity. Similarly, if they never post testimonials, think how good that will make your company look if you start doing so regularly.

If your current B2B social media strategy is just industry news and little more, you have plenty of room to grow. Adopt a type of content you don’t see competitors using and start implementing it.

Using These B2B Marketing Strategies to Increase Conversions Right Away

As we mentioned at the beginning, you should always audit your approach to look for where new opportunities lie. Long after you surpass your competition, it’s worth considering other B2B marketing strategies that may help to increase that distance.

At Hushly, we’ve created a platform that is able to take any strategy and immediately improve its results. Contact us today and we’ll show you how all you need to do is add our software to your site to immediately enjoy an increase in your ABM and lead-gen conversions of 51% – guaranteed.

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